Most days I avoid the grocery store with my three monkeys. If I do happen to go, the comments are inevitable. With three kids under three, I've heard some good ones. I thought I'd share a few and what I wished I would have said (or was thinking) at the time.
Oh they are so cute! And what are their names? How old are they? My sisters cousin has twins... a boy and girl... and they weighed... Honey, did you see the babies? Come look...
Thank you for showing an interest in my adorable children. We have exactly 23 minutes in this store until one of them poops or has a meltdown. I have 17 items left to purchase. Please let me continue my shopping!
Wow, you're going to the grocery store with all of them? You're brave!
Yes, I am brave. I gave the maid and nanny the day off and thought I'd take the children for a stroll in the market. Really... I'm in Walmart. I don't have a maid. I also don't have any diapers, bread, toilet paper or milk in my house. And, last time I checked, you couldn't purchase those items at the McDonald's drive thru and the Walgreen's pharmacy doesn't consider those items over-the-counter medications. :)
I bet they're a handful!
Yes they are, but they are also a blessing.
My absolute favorite:
They are beautiful. How do you do it?
I'm so glad you asked! I don't really have a choice. (Usually this is where I chicken out...)
I am so dependent on the grace of God. I rely daily on the Holy Spirit to give me the patience to care for these precious children. I am nothing without him. On the days I try to do it in my own strength, I fail. They are a daily reminder of my inadequacy as a mom and human being. And I'm so thankful for it. They keep me on my knees. I have to trust God to get me through this season.